As with any supplement or medication that we take, it can be expected that deciding to take Creatine supplements would involve weighing the pros and cons of doing so. This is because properly weighing the advantages and the disadvantages of taking Creatine supplements can help a person decide on whether it would be worth it to take them. In addition to this, knowledge on the pros and cons of taking Creatine supplements can also help a person know what to expect from Creatine supplements. Given this, it is then very important that a person equip himself with the right knowledge on the advantages and the disadvantages of taking Creatine supplements. The following sections provide some of them with the aim of helping people gain some preliminary knowledge about taking Creatine supplements.
When Creatine supplements are taken for the purpose of helping bodybuilders build bigger muscles and for helping athletes perform better, there are a number of advantages to taking Creatine supplements. One of these advantages is that it helps deliver more testosterone to the cells of the body, which can lead to bigger muscle mass. Another advantage is that Creatine supplements can help draw more liquid into the muscles, which can give bodybuilders a 3% to 10% increase in muscle mass. For athletes, taking Creatine supplements can help athletes workout longer, as supplements can help reduce muscle recovery time and can make muscles be able to withstand more strenuous activity. In addition to this, recent studies have also shown that Creatine has therapeutic characteristics as well.
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There are also some disadvantages in taking Creatine supplements that have been identified by medical research, which include short-term and long-term disadvantages. Some of the short-term disadvantages include diarrhea and sudden mood swings especially with young people. One long-term disadvantage is that there have been studies that have shown that Creatine supplements may cause kidney damage, which has made physicians advise their patients not to take the supplements on an on-going basis.
Deciding to take Creatine supplements involves weighing the pros and cons in taking them. This is very important as it can help a person decide whether taking the supplement is worth it, as to the advantages and the disadvantages that they bring. Given this, people who are contemplating taking Creatine supplements would do well to arm themselves with the right knowledge on the pros and cons of taking such supplements.